AlNoure Academy Arabic Language School (ALNAAS) (ALNAAS) أكاديمية النور – المدرسة العربية
Covid 19

Government Guidelines
We as a school have a duty to follow the government guidelines, which is easily implemented within our school.

Online Studies
We have arranged important lessons for our GCSE students over Zoom and will continue to do so for the future, due to the success of this programme.

Student Bubbles
We will continue to follow the “bubble” system in our school due to our students coming from many different secondary and primary schools.
safety for all staff and students
Getting Through The Pandemic Together!
Covid 19 has effected the whole word in many ways. Life has been put on hold and normality has had a major shift to keep everyone as safe as possible. At AlNoure, we give great importance for the safety of our students and staff and nothing compares to the value of life and good health.

How do we keep safe?
We have many sanitizing stations around the school for use of all students and staff.
Meetings set up via email, zoom or telephone
Important meetings will be done remotely which is not only convenient, but also helps control of the virus spreading.
Controlled entry
Parents are asked to stay out of the school building as a safety precaution and are allowed to enter when purchasing books or uniform only.
Optional face coverings
We welcome students and staff to continue to wear masks or face coverings whilst studying with us.
Government Guidelines
We are always up to date with the government guidelines and have taken our own decisions to carry on certain safety precautions in the school even after lockdown eased.
Age group bubbles
AlNoure has decided to keep the “bubble” system within the school and base it per age group. This is vital for us as a school as we have many students from many different secondary and primary schools, and areas within the city. This system will be kept in place for the foreseeable future.
Different entrances
To keep in line with the bubble system, we have different entrances per year group. Please see the map below for further information.