AlNoure Academy Arabic Language School (ALNAAS) (ALNAAS) أكاديمية النور – المدرسة العربية
Term Dates & Fees
time tables and registration details
Alnoure Academy school terms start one week after the mainstream schools. This gives the children time to adjust to routine. The first day of Alnoure academy school is the first Saturday after mainstream schools start.
Extra days are taken off for Eid celebrations, depending on which day Eid falls on. We also have many events and celebrations for religious holiday times.

Enrol With AlNoure
Term Dates
Term 1
September: 16th / 23rd / 30th
October: 7th / 14th / 21st (Closed on 28th October for half term)
November: 4th / 11th / 18th / 25th
December: 2nd/ 9th (Closed on 16th / 23rd / 30th for holidays)
Term 2
January: 6th / 13th / 20th / 27th
February: 3rd / 10th / 24th (Closed on 17th Feb)
March: 2nd / 9th / 16th / 23rd (Closed on 30th March)
April: 20th / 27th (Closed on 6th / 13th for Easter Holidays)
Term 3
May: 4th / 11th / 18th / 25th
June: 8th / 22nd / 29th (Closed on 1st / 15th Eid Al Adha)
July: 6th / 13th
16th September:
School starts. Books and uniforms will be available
21st October:
General parents introduction meeting
4th November:
Clubs TBC
13th January:
Students & parents progress meeting
2nd March:
AlNoure Bazaar
11th May:
Arabic Language final assessment exam
18th May:
Islamic studies final assessment exam
8th June:
Students & parents progress meeting
School Trip Location TBC
13th July:
End of school celebrations
Being a charity we are able to offer this course at a huge subsidised cost. It is only £9 per child per day. Families with 3 children or more, 1 child will study for free.
Payment can be made by cash/cheque/direct debit.
Bank details for direct debit:
Account Number: 42694557
Sort Code: 40-14-03
Payments are due at the beginning of each term as rent needs to be paid in advance.
No refunds made for any child with unnecessary absence.
Autumn 2023
Term 1- Price per child
- The 3rd child goes free
- Any family with more than 3 children (4/5/6+ children), 1 child studies for free
- Books and uniform not included
Spring 2024
Term 2- Price per child
- The 3rd child goes free
- Any family with more than 3 children (4/5/6+ children), 1 child studies for free
- Books and uniform not included
Summer 2024
Term 3- Price per child
- The 3rd child goes free
- Any family with more than 3 children (4/5/6+ children), 1 child studies for free
- Books and uniform not included
Lesson Breakdown
Nursery – Yr 6:
10:30am – 1:30pm Arabic (reading / writing / speaking) and optional Islamic studies
Level 1 & 2 / Pre-GCSE / GCSE:
10:30am – 1:30pm Arabic (reading / writing / speaking)
Classes age range (approximate):
Nursey: 3 – 4 yrs old
Reception: 4 -5 yrs old
YR 1: 5 – 6 yrs old
YR 2: 6 – 7 yrs old
YR 3: 7 – 8 yrs old
YR 4: 8 – 9 yrs old
YR 5: 9 – 10 yrs old
YR 6: 11 – 12 yrs old
Level 1 with NO Arabic background: From 8 YRS old (2 age groups)
Pre-GCSE & GCSE with good Arabic background: From 11 YRS old (2 age groups)
+ The school shall start lessons promptly. It is imperative that parents ensure children arrive at least 5 minutes before class
+ Parents need to collect their children promptly at 1:30pm from the teachers outside the school gates
+ Children should bring their own drinks and/or packed lunch to have during their 15 min break
No refunds made if your child is absent.